A New Beginning

A New Beginning


PicMonkey Collage_editLast summer a conversation began within our organization. It was a conversation surrounding our name – ReWiGo (an acronym for Ready Willing Going) and the challenges it held. What does it mean? Are we really going all that far? How do you pronounce it? Should I use a Southern or Northern accent?

It was quickly identified that we needed a new name to lead our organization forward. A name that defines what we do. A name that compliments our mission to repair homes to be safe, livable, and affordable for the people of Upstate South Carolina. A name that people can easily pronounce! As we progressed down this road, we discovered quickly that there are three direct results of what our organization does. First, we repair homes. The most visible short-term result of our mission is that homes are repaired.

Second, we rebuild community. When dilapidated and unsafe homes are brought up to standards and made safe for the people inside, it adds stability to a neighborhood. By staying in a home and keeping their roots in their own neighborhood, the residents in that home take more pride and ownership in the area around them, leading to a better, safer community.

Thirdly, we restore the dignity of the people we serve. This is not to say they were not dignified before; though it has been our experience that people who are trapped in their home due to no accessibility, who are living under a ceiling that drips water at the slightest bit of rain, and who cautiously walk their floors for fear of a rotten board collapsing beneath their feet have a home that does not reflect the dignity we know they deserve.

Together, we can bring hope to people who live in these types of conditions. If there is anything I’ve witnessed first hand: it doesn’t take a lot to make a massive difference. The need is great – and growing as our senior population swells and the age of homes creeps up ever so steadily. We remain committed to improving the housing of our seniors, our disabled, and our low-income residents throughout the Upstate. We are more committed than ever to rebuilding our community so that all people have a safe, healthy place to live. With that, I proudly present to you the future of our organization: Rebuild Upstate.

This text is an excerpt from Chris Manley’s announcement of our new name, delivered at a press conference the morning of April 28, 2015, at the Rebuild Upstate office.